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Welsh-English, English-Welsh Dictionary by D. Geraint Lewis

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Our price: £4.50

Welsh-English Dictionary by D.Geraint Lewis

A fully up-to-date, comprehensive and clearly presented compact dictionary - the ideal reference aid for learners and speakers of Welsh.

The dictionary has over 20,000 headwords, irregular forms of adjectives, verbs and plural nouns and an appendix of irregular Welsh verbs

Geiriadur cyfoes, cyfansawdd, clir a chryno - geiriadur delfrydol ar gyfer dysgwyr a Chymry Cymraeg.

Dros 20,000 o benawdau

Yn cynnwys ffurfiau afreolaidd - ansoddeiriau, berfau, enwau lluosog etc.

Atodiad yn rhedeg y prif ferfau afreolaidd

ISBN: 9781849345019

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