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English Classics - collections

English Classics - collections
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Stories Old & New and Treasuries

Stories Old & New (210 x 148 mm, originally casebound, 160 pages with 8 to 16 colour plates). Treasuries (246 x 189 mm, 192 pages with 8 to 16 colour plates). Please email us for details.



Title Author
Stories from the Old Testament -
Stories from the New Testament -
A Child’s Garden of Verses R L Stevenson
Book of Elves & Fairies Frances Jenkins Olcott
Nicholas Nickleby Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist Charles Dickens
Great Expectations Charles Dickens
David Copperfield Charles Dickens
Hans Andersen’s Fairy Tales Hans Andersen
Grimm’s Fairy Tales Brothers Grimm
Robin Hood Anon
Norse Tales -
Stories from Andersen Hans Andersen
Wind in the Willows Kenneth Graeme
Aesop’s Fables Aesop
Jungle Book and other Stories Rudyard Kipling
Stories from Grimm Brother Grimm
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass Lewis Carrol
Christmas Anthology -
Mother Goose -
Just so Stories Rudyard Kipling
Stories from Uncle Remus Joel Chandler Harris
Secret Garden Frances Hodgson Burnett
Black Beauty Anna Sewell
Wonderful Wizard of Oz Frank L Baum
Water-Babies Charles Kingsley
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