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Incredibly Awful Jokes

Cover of Incredibly Awful Jokes
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Our price: £4.99

With over 500 jokes, this new edition of Incredibly Awful Jokes is a fun and entertaining book with puns, teasers and very silly jokes to keep all the family groaning.

Grandfather: I taught my grandson everything I know!

Neighbour: He'll be ready for kindergarten soon then..


Q: Why did the axe go to the doctor's?

A: It had a splitting headache.


Man to friend: "I need your advice. When he grows up, my son wants to be a racing driver!"

Friend: "Whatever you do, don't stand in his way!"

Boom boom!

Available now. Collect all four in the series

198 x 126mm, 96 pages, paperback

ISBN: 9781842056721

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