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Practising Reiki

Practising Reiki
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Our price: £6.99
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Practising Reiki by Jennie Austin is an updated edition of one of the most accessible and understandable books on Reiki on the market, written by an experienced Master Practitioner and Master Teacher.

Reiki is a way of healing and cleansing your body, and this book is a comprehensive introduction to a complementary therapy that can bring positive changes to both your mental and physical health.

Reiki can also help in the process towards self-discovery.

Chapters include:

  • A hands-on healing technique
  • Reiki energy – a vital life force
  • The three degrees of Reiki
  • The Reiki principles
  • Receiving a treatment with Reiki
  • Reiki treatments
  • Stress and Reiki

Trimmed Page Size:

193 x 124mm; Paperback; 224pp; Weight: 205gsm

Click here to see the eBook.

ISBN: 9781842056134

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