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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
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The Complete Works of William ShakespeareThe Complete Works of William ShakespeareThe Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Our price: £10.99
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William Shakespeare is the best-known writer in all of English literature and has not earned this reputation without reason. This volume contains the complete dramatic works of the literary genius whose work has enthralled audiences since Elizabethan times.

In his works you will find tragedy, comedy, history, romance, fantasy, horror and a vast range of human experience that is still poignant in modern times.
Shakespeare’s heroes and heroines, villains and rogues, are amongst English literature’s most enduring characters.

Once experienced who can forget the reasoning of Portia, the scheming of Richard III, the contradiction that is Hamlet, the calculated determination of Lady Macbeth, the jealousy of Othello, the ridiculousness of a lovesick and cross-gartered Malvolio, the wit of Beatrice and Benedick, the overbearing passion of Venue for Adonis, the forbidden love of Romeo and Juliet or the tragic vanity of King Lear?

The layout of the book is clear, and there is a glossary at the end. This edition is one of our bestselling books and is very popular with students.

Trimmed Page Size: 273 x 198 mm; Paperback; 752pp; Spine: 24 mm; Weight: 319g

ISBN: 9781855349971

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