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Feng Shui
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of arranging everything around us in a way that enables us to live in greater harmony with our environment. Meaning 'wind' and 'water', it draws its symbolism from the natural world and is a philosophy of life for many. Using good Feng Shui should create a harmonious relationship between you and your surroundings and enhance your good fortune, health and happiness. This book explains the workings and philosophy of the practice, and how to apply its teachings to the design of your home. Inside and out. Garden, office, small room or large. This book will give you ideas and help you to transform your living space and be happier and more fluid.
Introduction; Part 1: Feng Shui: The Theory; Yin and Yang; A Broader Perspective; Part 2: Feng Shui: The Practice: Cures; Assessing your Building; Inside your Home: Interior Decoration; Outside your home - garden etc. Feng Shui for Business; Aspects of life and health; success; money; fortune and love. Final tips. Glossary. Feng Shui and my Home