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Rights available:
240 pages, 147 x 106mm Paperback
A short introduction to meditation, this book contains guidance on the following:
A stressful world; Towards contentment; What is meditation?; Stilling your mind; Meditation and contemplation; the need for a teacher; Keeping a level head; Caveat!; Crossing the Bridge
Meditation in the world's religions: Buddhism; Zen Buddhism; Christianity; Hinduism; Judaism; Sufism; Hare Krishna; Taoism; A note for non-believers.
A Healthy Mind equals a healthy body: Dualism; Mind and body; Stress; Meditation and Stress; Meditation and Smoking, and well being.
How to begin to meditate: Getting down to it; Posture. The Meditation Session: A presentation of techniques: Experiment; Proper Breathing; The time and the Place; The object to focus on; Problems - tension. Benefits: long term; breaking the spell