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Essential English Words: Learners' dictionary

Essential English Words: Learners' dictionary
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Our price: £6.99

Essential English Words: Learners' dictionary

Ideal for the ELT student and home study for those learning English. This book is an excellent aide for those aiming to be fluent in English.

With just over 1000 of the most common words in English, specially selected to help you form thousands of sentences in English, Essential English Words gives you thorough listings for each word that’s in this book, and examples of how to use them. Each word is shown with its inflection and word family, to help learners become natural, fluent users of the language. Each word is listed with its parts of speech, pronunciation, inflections, and meanings.

Knowing these words, and how to use them, will help you to speak good English. If you can learn these words, you will achieve a good conversational fluency. Here is the springboard to take your vocabulary to the next level.

The book gives the words in A-Z format, then explains basic grammar, and also groups the words at the back of the book by theme such as family, animals, numbers, time, days of the week, clothing, parts of the body etc.

Trimmed Page Size

198 x 128mm; Paperback; 384pp; spine: 20mm; Weight: 220gsm.

Author: Morven Dooner

About the author:

Morven Dooner has a masters degree in English literature from the University of Edinburgh and is currently studying towards an MEd in Children’s Literature at the University of Glasgow.

She has worked as an editor and lexicographer across many monolingual and learner dictionaries, language, reference, and education titles for HarperCollins, Chambers, Oxford University Press, and Hodder and Stoughton.

Click here to see the eBook.

ISBN: 9781842057643

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