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Stop! (First Steps series)

Stop! (First Steps series)
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Our price: £3.99

Stop! (First Stops) by Judy Grosset

This early learning book helps teach young children how to cross the road, and learn the concept of stopping. Stop when you reach the road; stop when you’ve eaten enough…

Covers road safety, noise, and eating. It's suitable for age 2+. You can read it aloud, and read it together.

By repeating phrases your child will become familiar and confident with the concept of how to behave well.

The First Steps series has 12 books. Each book is engagingly illustrated and explores pre-school early-learning topics.

Lexile® Measure: 200L - 300L

Mean Sentence Length: 2.33

Mean Log Word Frequency: 3.10

Word Count: 107

ATOS level: 0.8

Average vocabulary level: 2.2

Average word length: 3.8

Trimmed Page Size: 167 × 114 mm; Hardback; 32 pp; Full-colour

ISBN: 9781855346963

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