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Splash! (First Steps)

Splash! (First Steps)
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Our price: £3.99

Splash! (First Steps series) by Judy Grosset

This is an early learning book for children about We splash when we help with the washing up. We splash when we jump in the paddling pool. We splash in the rain, in puddles! This book is colourful and positive and explores the word 'Splash', and the actions connected with it and the noise it makes. Suitable for ages 2+.

The First Steps series has 12 books. Each book is engagingly illustrated and presents pre-school early-learning topics.

In print since 1993, this book has been thoroughly edited for today.

Trimmed Page Size: 167 × 114 mm; Hardback; 32 pp; Full-colour

ISBN: 9781855346666

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