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Smile! (First Steps series)

Smile! (First Steps series)
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Our price: £3.99

Smile! by Judy Grosset

This early learning book is for young children. It teaches them about the importance of smiling and being polite.

Smile when you need a little sunshine; smile when you ask for something and remember to say ‘please’; smile to say thank you, that was kind.

This colourful book teaches a young child how to be polite and good manners. Suitable for ages 2+, it is good for reading aloud and part of the early learning series First Steps.

The First Steps series has 12 books. Each book is engagingly illustrated and explores pre-school early-learning topics.

Trimmed Page Size: 167 × 114 mm; Hardback; 32 pp; Full-colour

ISBN: 9781855346727

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