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A Guide to Headaches & Migraines: Symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

A Guide to Headaches & Migraines: Symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention
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A Guide to Headaches & Migraines: Symptoms, causes, treatment, preventionA Guide to Headaches & Migraines: Symptoms, causes, treatment, preventionA Guide to Headaches & Migraines: Symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention
Our price: £6.99
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If you suffer from headaches and migraines, or wish to help someone who does, this book explains very clearly the different types of headache, and migraines, and gives advice on how to manage, and relieve them.

Subjects covered are: Primary and secondary headaches; tension headaches – causes; how to treat them and prevent them; cluster headaches; migraines; chronic daily headaches; keeping a headache diary; headaches in children; a look at environmental and lifestyle causes of headaches; the effects of headaches and migraines on everyday life; secondary headaches and possible causes; when to seek medical help; complementary therapies; The Alexander technique; aromatherapy; biofeedback; chiropractic help; cranial osteopathy; herbalism; homeopathy; meditation and yoga; osteopathy; reflexology; shiatsu; useful organisations.

Trimmed Page Size: 193 x 124mm; Paperback; 224pp; Weight: 205gsm.

Author: Katherine Wright

About the author:

Katherine Wright is medically trained, and writes extensively on science, health and wellness.

Click here to see the eBook.

ISBN: 9781842056509

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